If you are having trouble listening to your TV because of hearing loss it can be frustrating to adjust the TV volume all the time. Others watching TV with you may feel uncomfortable with the higher volume that you need just to listen to the sound a little. The solution has finally arrived. TV Ears is the leading manufacturer of wireless headphones for your TV. Now you can watch TV and not miss any of your program without having to adjust the volume on your TV.
The TV Ears 2.3 system works with LCD or plasma TVs. The range is over six hundred feet. The headphones have a patented foam tip headset. The headphones allow acoustically enhanced sound quality with great comfort. The noise is clear and crisp. The headphones are lightweight and only weigh 1.6 oz. The headset fits comfortably on your head and reduces any normal heat normally associated with normal headphones. The headset delivers 120 decibels of power. it is made for people with hearing loss. The installation is easy and works with any cable box or satellite system. The TV volume can be raised or lowered easily.
Wireless Headphone Ipod

The TV Ears system is doctor recommended. It is nearly three times more powerful than other similar brands. Other headsets can be purchased to maximize your listening experience. Most clients order one extra to sit on the charger to ensure constant performance. They offer a 90 day warranty and a lifetime service guarantee.
TV Ears 2.3 is affordable at a normal online price of . It is a great choice and the premier product in the wireless headphones category.
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