The day after a break up is always hard, believe me, I've been there myself and it hurts. Getting dumped sucks and it's one of the worst feelings in the world. But you shouldn't let a break up bring you down. If you want to win your ex back, then you need to stay away from these two things I'm about to tell you.
There are two things that happen after a break up. Begging and Anger. If you were dumped, your first reaction is anger. After you've cooled down and have given some thoughts to the break up, then you might end up trying to call or text your ex over and over again. Don't do it and here's why.
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In order for you to get your ex back, you need to take control of your emotions. Yes, you can cover your mouth with your pillow and scream as loud as you want, or punch the walls if you want to, but do not taste your ex at all. Calling and leaving text messages will only annoy your ex partner and will decrease your chances of getting back together.
You don't want your ex to remember you as that crazy person who begged to be taken back or that annoying person who sent nasty text messages in the middle of the night. The most foremost thing to remember is how you present yourself after a break up and this will determine whether you have a opportunity of getting him or her back.
Once things had placed down and you guys are still able to retell with each other, then the subject of reconciliation can be brought up. It is much easier to convince your ex to take you back if you handled the break up without showing signs of bitter resentment, anger or begging. I know for a fact that some couples have gotten back together only because the break up was done in a mature and responsible way.
Two Things You Should Not Do After a Break Up If You Want To Win Your Ex Back